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Было бы неплохо узнать, кто конкретно ведет блог

  • Да Крылов, кто ж ещё.
  • Инфа 100%?

Лолепезы ведёт, он сам признавался: http://lj.rossia.org/users/lolepezy/129059.html Rectal infernal Santa Claus — ugly black beetle of the world's stiffen heterosexualism and communism — denies Western Values. One who saw the floating clouds of Polonium and lead rain doesn't joke with democratic reforms and does not eruct at the image of tortures of Pinochet. Gaidar had retired, and nobody is to bring down the salvation trident of Reforms, Democracy and Liberalism onto the roaring underground monster that is breaking out of a piss-stained blanket of Putin's propaganda. All the democratic public is in danger — Orthodox vampires with fresh blood dripping from painted beards, holding machine guns under cassocks and devouring thousands of children every day, will come to your home, rape your furniture, feed you rubber vomit and destroy your personality.